Aug 05, 2016 · Yes. Allot of countries in the middle east have banned porn. Allot of Islamic countries have banned porn. China has banned born and so has north Korea. Jul 01, 2020 · In some countries, watching porn is outright illegal and looking at it could result in a penalty or punishment. In others, it’s simply restricted. In China, for example, the country’s ISPs block porn sites, but the government has no intention of punishing those who manage to access it. As well as having the most porn searches per capita, Pakistan also leads in porn searches for snakes, donkeys, pigs, dogs, and cats. 2. #2: Egypt. The top search term in Egypt is "Arab" while "mother" and "mom" are close behind. They Should Not Ban Porn. I do not think that countries should ban porn from the internet. It is a form of entertainment and the majority of it is not harmful. The illegal stuff should be tracked down and dealt with while the rest is left alone. There is much worse things to be worried about on the internet. Jul 13, 2020 · In some countries, all depictions of sexual activities are considered illegal porn and the punishments for possessing or distributing such materials can be severe. Other countries tend to break down depictions of sexual behavior into different categories, and define legality based upon those categories. Prostitution is legal in some countries, but it isn’t illegal in other’s either. These 15 countries with legal prostitution are providing sex workers with health and social benefits.

Jan 15, 2015 · The fact that porn trends within the region can even be tracked is impressive, given that the sale of erotic material is banned in nearly every Arab country except Lebanon and Turkey. Advertisement:

Prostitution is legal in some countries, but it isn’t illegal in other’s either. These 15 countries with legal prostitution are providing sex workers with health and social benefits.

Watching porn is illegal and is restricted in many countries. The list includes Guyana, Bangladesh, India, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Botswana, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt, Afghanistan and Pakistan.